TC Professional Consulting

Small Business Solutions

Is your Communication Style reaching 100% of the people you talk to?

If you use the same presentation or the same words to every potential client you speak to the answer is NO! You are only really reaching 4-25%!

Communication is KEY!

You only have a 25% chance of speaking in someone's exact personality language and

those are ONLY the people who are EXACTLY like you in your personality Code.

Chances drop to 4% if you don't know how to communicate using the BANK Methodology.

To get a FREE Personality Report ($99 value) Crack Your Code! You will be amazed what you learn about yourself.

What if there was a way to understand all of your current clients and potential clients better and you could speak in their Code to provide only the details THEY need in order to get a YES in the quickest way possible?

Fill out this short survey and let's talk! I have a solution for that!

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Driving Growth, Amplifying Impact

Melinda Love

I am so grateful for Tiffany and the FIX Code. I am halfway through the 8 week Complete Freedom program, and I already feel a major energy shift, and my overall state of being feels more settled and peaceful. I host group presentations as part of my business, and I had been feeling so nervous and even physically sick at times when I had to start speaking to the point that I stopped scheduling more events for a while. During one of the sessions with Tiffany, I released "fear of speaking in public." I am now able to host events without that overwhelming feeling of dread. That is just one example of many. Thank You Tiffany.

Crystal Futrell

Thank you Tiffany for letting me experience the FIX Code Complete Freedom program with you.

I have noticed myself having less triggered emotions with my family. Sometimes you know when kids push your buttons it can be triggering but I find myself just laughing at it instead of being upset or bothered and then they just laugh with me. Thank you Tiffany.

Rachelle Kuzma

The amount of peace these last 4 weeks of healing have brought are out this world as I am building a new business for my family.

These FIX code sessions have brought clear discernment and a clear mind for direction. I am so truly grateful for this course!

I can’t wait to see where we are in 6 months from all these blocks being removed! Thank you Tiffany! You truly are a healer and going to heal so many to be able to go beyond their dreams in success.

Monica Tucker

Since meeting Tiffany several years ago, she has been an integral part of my journey.

All of her knowledge, certifications and passion to share is life changing.

I have learned so much from her and expanded my own business and knowledge with her.

BANK Code is one of the products that I have embraced completely.
I see so much need and potential for this communication tool.

I would recommend her to anyone looking to find a path on their journey.
Looking forward to the future.

Unleash Your Business Brilliance.

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